31 Days of Halloween: The Worst Witch
Like I said earlier in the month I dig Halloween specials, but there was one particular one that I looked forward to every year. The Worst Witch. Airing on HBO when I was a kid it starred Fairuza Balk who I knew from the Return to Oz and Tim Curry whom I had yet to put him and Pennywise together as the same person. Mildred Hubble is the worst witch at Mrs. Cackle’s Academy for Witches. Her cat is different than other cats (he’s afraid of riding on her broomstick). She can’t correctly mix her potions or remember all the ingredients to spells everyone else can get. And no matter what she does or where she goes she inevitably brings mayhem with her the way a 12 year old witch can do. As Halloween approaches all the students and teachers are excited that the Grand Wizard himself will be there to watch their broomstick displays. Sadly Mildred has her own nemesis not in the form of Draco Malfoy, but Ethel who could be Malfoy’s cousin or sister who bewitches her broomstick and ruins the entire display. Of course Mildred runs away, but in doing so comes across a horrible plot of evil witches who plan to take over the school. Will Mildred save the day and prove that she is not the worst witch?
Now understandably I understand how bad this is, but how I don’t give a frak due to nostalgic reasons and just how much I still love it. The acting is basic, the plot just amusing and the special effects worse than Tom Baker’s Doctor Who. But I think that is why I still love it. Plus you have the Halloween song in which you discover that there are more things to rhyme with Halloween than you remember. Come on now, sing with me: