5 Fandom Friday is a series hosted by The Nerdy Girlie and Super Space Chick.This week’s Fandom Friday is all about My Blogging Resolutions for 2015. This is a hard one as I am horrible at keeping my resolutions especially when our lives are in such flux for the next few months. But a girl can wish right? How about you? What are your blogging resolutions?

My first goal of the New Year involves posting more regularly. I enjoy doing it so why not set aside time to do more of it. I would like to at least make sure I blog at least twice a week. Keep the regular posts such as Fandom Friday, Sunday Seven, or Wednesday What Ifs as regulars. Fandom Friday is a link up so why not make my other two linkups as well. Heck make a new monthly linkup. All great ideas. Let’s hope I can keep them.

My first goal of the New Year involved posting more regularly. Even better when I can also post pictures. As a scrapbooker I have let the picture taking me take a very long hiatus since the camera broke. Hopefully I will get what I want for Christmas this year and that will all change. I would love to document my geeky life through pictures.

Sure I post book and movie reviews, have my weekly posts, but what else do I really have. I want to write about cons, about my upcoming adventures moving to California, to post wraps ups once a week, have shopping suggestions, and so much more.

As much as I may have liked my layout a few years ago, it is a bit old now. While I love Katee, I think it might be time for a cleaner more minimal look. I want the blog to be more accessible to all users especially if I want to gain more viewers. plus it might be fun to break out the old graphic skills again and see what I can come up with.

The girl geek blogger group that I am part of is amazing, but do I know any of them really. Do I know and frequent half of my follower list? I should and I am determined to put myself out there more, visit and comment when I can. Do giveaways to gain more readers, and so much more.


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