HOLIDAY FAMILY PART TWO: Happy Turkey Day everyone. Day of gorging yourself with delicious food, watching the game, falling into food coma and then stupidly getting up 5 hours later in pitch black to go wait in line for 4 hours to get a cheap deal on electronics. Or in my case having dinner with my roomies family, then watching the game, falling into a food coma, playing some video games and then waking up not as early as those other schmoes but still early enough and buying things. Anyway, yesterday we had the regular version of your new family for Thanksgiving. This week, it is the family of film and fiction. Have fun. Please share and I will post your link to your answer. Thought I would mix it up and add some more crazy choices today. The Holidays aren’t fun until you have

1. Grandmother: Granny Weatherwax from the Discworld Novels She’s a witch, is prone to occasionally put up signs that read ‘not dead, just resting’. On top of that she reminds me of my granny June. She takes no prisoners, would tell me bad and dirty jokes, would let me just be me no matter what and tell some of the best stories ever.

2. Grandfather: Gandalf the Grey I shouldn’t have to explain this too much. He’s Gandalf. He smokes, drinks, tells jokes and has the best fireworks ever. And oh yeah one of the coolest wizards ever. Plus summers with Grandpa would be amazing in Middle Earth.

3. Father: Mr. Pendergrass from Easy A If you have seen this movie (which you should) you can understand why Stanley Tucci’s father figure would be awesome except for the part where we would have to watch the Bucket List. He would embrace if not encourage my quirkiness and is just cool.
4. Mother: Mrs. Pendergrass from Easy A Also kind of a logical choice if you’ve seen the movie. You can’t have Stanley Tucci without Patricia Clarkson. Awesome parents. I imagine that I would also be as adorable as Olive is. And yet geekier. Plus she would share with you, possibly things about her misspent youth, but hey we’d have mother/daughter share time.

5. Big Brother: Macgyver Cause after we cut his mullet off because it was not an awesome hair choice, Mac would be great. If the oven broke down before the turkey was done, all we would need is a paperclip, some shampoo, a match and some dryer flint and voila. Turkey dinner.

6. Big Sister: Lorelai Gilmore I wasn’t a hard core Gilmore Girls fan, but I watched enough that she would make an awesome big sister. A bit crazy, but balanced because of her cool factor. Slumber parties, spa days, gossip sessions and anything involving boys would be awesome.

7. Little Brother: Tom Imura from Rot N Ruin Because when the zombie apocalypse happens, it will be nice to have him as a little brother and who will ultimately save me or cut off my head really quickly if things go bad.  Not sure why zombies might show up at Thanksgiving dinner, but you never know.

8. Little Sister: Lily from How I Met Your Mother I wasn’t a hard core Gilmore Girls fan, but I watched enough that she would make an awesome big sister. A bit crazy, but balanced because of her cool factor. Slumber parties, spa days, gossip sessions and anything involving boys would be awesome.

9. Uncle: Indiana Jones > Cause he would take me on adventures. And also possibly get me killed while on said adventures. Fun times.

10. Aunt: Inara Sera from Firefly Not only would having the birds and bees conversation go over so much better, but Inara would have the best stories. Plus she’d make me feel all girly girl. Awesome Aunt.
10. The Uncle who is not really An Uncle: Hardison from Leverage One: Cause then I would inadvertently meet the rest of the crew. Two: Which means I get to hang with Parker. Yeah. Three: Having the coolest geeky hacker ever would mean great things. Admit it. I would love ‘Uncle’ Hardison to pieces.

11. Date: The 10th Doctor Allons-y. We would saunter in after a delightful trip from whenever and wherever. I would be an awesome companion. Plus he would be all David Tennant shaped and that doesn’t suck Plus there is always the snogging under the mistletoe later.


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