5 Fandom Friday is a series hosted by The Nerdy Girlie and Super Space Chick.This week’s Fandom Friday is all about My Fandom Resolutions for 2015. I am hoping I can actually keep these resolutions. But again it may be hard with the Mister and I’s lives changing quite drastically in the next few weeks and months. But a girl can wish right? How about you? What are your fandom resolutions?

It has been a while since I have gone to any sort of convention and I miss the geekfest for a few days. So Kristin and Missy convinced me to go to ECCC in March this year. Of course that was before I realized E and I were moving to California and starting the next chapter (albeit an expensive chapter) of our lives so soon before it occurs. In fact the move means we can’t go see SYTYCD tour.  Anyway…Emerald City looks awesome. Kelly Sue DeConnick, Matt Fraction, Lucy Knisley, Seanan McGuire, Mike Mignola, Bill Willingham, John Barrowman, Gina Torres, and cosplayers infinite kind of make me super excited. Crossing my fingers that we will be settled enough that I can still go.

For the first time ever. It may be a fly by the seat of my pants cosplay (you know the one that you decide on at the last minute sort of cosplay) as I have no idea if and when the craft room supplies will move down with us quite yet and I will be too busy packing in the next month to really work on anything. If I am lucky maybe my seamstress ladies will help me out just a wee bit. Or I can update an existing costume. Lord knows I have enough.

I read a lot. Hence the whole Bibliophile status. However, I have not made as much time for reading as I once used to. I used to be the girl who read 2 or 3 books a week. Now it is a book every couple of weeks. I am hoping I can do at least 52 for 2015. That is a book a week. I would like to do more, but lets face it E and I will probably be busier than ever until Summer with all of our changes..

The mister and I discovered Orphan Black over the Holiday vacation and we are now hooked. This is a good thing mind you, but it also means we are leaving a ton of other shows unfinished. We have yet to finish watching: Chuck, Eureka, Arrow, Farscape, and Game of Thrones. This is due to the fact that E and I get very easily distracted. Oooh look shiny! We try to mix things up a bit, but this also means that we rarely finish all the seasons of a particular show. For me this tragic affliction also happens to me when playing video games. There are some games that I sit down and play until I am finished. But then releases that I have been looking forward to for a couple of years come out and everything else gets sidelined (Dragon Age is still taking up all of the times). I am hoping that 2015 remedies this a bit and I can finally have enough time to finish all of these geeky goodies.

I love being a geek crafter. I collect crafts the way that Penelope Stamp collects hobbies in The Brothers Bloom. I have even taken up knitting in the past couple of months. One way to actually do more of those amazing geeky crafts is to participate in an exchange. Ravelry has many fandom exchanges, as do the International Geek Girls PenPal Club and Craftster. My goal for 2015, participate in an exchange on each of those sites.


Unknown said…
Emerald City Comic Con is on my to go list as well. Hope you have a good time.
Nina said…
Ooh! The fandom exchange sounds awesome, I'll definitely have to look into that :D

Nina // lefancygeek.com
Katya Owu said…
Emerald City sounds amazing!! Hope you have fun :)
Jasmine and Katya...I will let you know how it is. *crossing my fingers* It should be awesome and yet less crazy than SDCC. Cheaper too. One bonus of moving to CA is I will be a lot closer to a lot of cons and that makes me happy. Sadly not a whole lot of cons in Montana. Go figure.

Nina...I would love to host one on my blog and get it all situated and organized as they are so much fun to do.

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