Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. I first started crushing on Harry after I discovered that another geek crush (James Marsters/Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) was doing the audiobook version. It also helped that Jim Butcher created an amazing character.

For those of you who don’t know who Harry is. Harry is a reluctant hero, a professional wizard (the only one listed in the phone book) who often helps the police with cases involving "unusual" circumstances and others who seek his help. He lives in Chicago and while considered a bit of a magical thug (all power and no real fine control over it), is one of the best heroes I know. He is kind to the wee folk (Toot Toot), is an animal lover (his dog Mouse and his cat Mister), is best friends with a spirit of intellect who lives in a skull and loves trashy romance novels and makes some pretty good friends…and enemies.

So why do I crush on him? He is a loyal smart ass who wears a sexy leather duster, is quite the powerful wizard and he is tall enough that even my six foot tall Amazon awesomeness could wear heels and still have to look up at him. He is a good looking man who loves women and in the open car doors and saving damsels in distress sort of love. Who wouldn’t want a Southern Gentleman type with Northern sensibilities. *grin* Plus Harry is kind of a geek. He could keep up with my girly geek references and we would have no shortage of witty dialogue.

Of course there is that tortured soul air of mystery that surrounds him and he does have a bit of past. But he is a survivor like me and while mismatched with our 12 piece baggage set, I think we could manage. Who doesn’t have baggage after all? I think the important thing about Harry is he is a wonderful human being because of how he has grown despite his pat and despite a very different path he could have chosen. He is noble to a fault, loyal to the end, and is a bit of a romantic when you really think about it.

There are some drawbacks of course. As a wizard, technology and Harry don’t exactly mix and he would destroy all of my pretty consoles and toys. He sort of has issues with commitment, but I would too if danger and trouble tended to follow me like a permanent shadow.

Despite some drawbacks, I think you would fall in love with Harry too.


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